Friday 13 October 2017

Osaka, Takayama, Shirakawa-go,Nagoya,Kyoto and Osaka

It has been quite a few years since my hubby, my boyfriend(bf) and me last felt the snow.
15 December was selected to be our departure date for our winter holiday.
We even decided to spend our Xmas in Japan.

Upon reaching Osaka at 0600hrs, it was a very chilly morning of 7 Degrees Celsius.
We took the airport bus from Kansai airport to Kyoto Station, took the Shinkansen train to Nagoya within 30mins and changed to another train up to Takayama, it was near 6hrs journey.

The view during the train ride was superb. When we reached Gero, I found whitish patches on the ground, on the roofs, on the trees. It snowed... much to our excitement.
The air was cold when we reached Takayama, there is no sight of any snow but the ground seems wet...  We checked in to Country Hotel Takayama which is opposite of Takayama station then grab a simple lunch in a nearby home-run restaurant. Half way through our meal, I looked out of the window and it was snowing. Immediately, we run outside to feel the snow despite or lunch was still lying half-touched on the table.

After we finished the lunch, we strolled to the old town. Just a long stretched of street, you can see Koi fishes swimming in the drain. The water up here is so clean and clear that the people actually rear Koi fishes in the drain. Not like back home, it's "longkang" fishes.
I admit this place is very charming, old Japan feel. There are wineries and they will hang a big rock ball like ornament on their door as a sign to the people that wine are well harvested and brewed. In another words:"Ready to serve".
Not to forget the famous Gifu beef bun here, indeed it is tender and juicy...
The street ended near to the famous green bridge and red bridge, we even stopped by for a stick of grilled rice cake in teriyaki sauce. It is already dark at 1700hrs, we decided to go for a dinner and going back to rest of feets.My room is small, there is a huge step to the washroom. It was only 2000hrs, we were all knocked out.

16 December 
We woke up seeing whites all over outside our window, the snow was much heavier on our 2nd day. Must get ourselves real heavy breakfast to fight the cold before we took a 40min snowy bus ride from Takayama Bus station ( opposite of Country Hotel)  to Shirakawa-go. NO REGRET TRIP.
 This place is awsome beyond words. Picture speaks a thousands words, refer attached photos. The thatched roof houses for residents & commercial that I saw on travel magazine,  all came to life! We had snow fight here! By the way, to go up to the viewing deck, it is advisable to take a 5 minute bus ride, ticket can be purchase at the bus station.

We were back to Takayama in the afternoon.. had a quick lunch before we make our way for two night stay at a cottage with private open air onsen bath tub in Hirayu.
The snow here are much thicker,  the average temperature up in hirayu minus 2! Every step we took was tough as half of our boots gone under the snow and we have to drag our luggages in the mid of the heavy snow.
After we checked in, sun already set and the place was dark and cold beside some street lamps.
Our cottage is located in the forest, as it was dark, I cannot see well what trees surrounded us.
The whole place is made of wood, from the structure to the interior walls to the wallings to the bathtub.
That night was so cold that we decided to to visit the public bathhouse before we had BBQ dinner.

17 December 
Dawn broke at 0655hrs, with the temperature of -5,  as I approached my balcony, the fragrance of the air greeted me, on the second sight, we were in the mid of Cedar trees. That was the smell of Cedar!

We took a bus to Shin-hotaka, the ropeway up to the mountain was very scenic. The temperature up there (2156m) was -8, we were considered lucky as it ever got -18 up there(2156m)! Whenever we were indoor, we will be baking next to the heater. Hahaha..  Again Picture speaks a thousands words, refer attached photos.

This night we tried our personal open air onsen which is located in our backyard. Bathing in between of icy Cedar trees is no joke. We had tried and experienced... no regrets..

18 & 19 December 
Bye bye to the icy snow, Hello to colourful towns.
Direct from Hirayu bus terminal, we took a 2hrs bus to Nagoya station.
Our airbnb was around 15minutes walk away.
Nagoya is rather bustling.. Oh my god ... I saw "Dennys" restaurant. They had since ceased operations in Singapore. I decided, this shall be our breakfast place here for next 2 days.
This is my 1st time staying in an Airbnb, very cozy residential area. The apartment is very comfortable despite small in size.
We visited the Nagoya castle, jade green structure.
Not to forget Sakae area which is a busy shopping area in Nagoya. Don Quijote is mega, spent few hours there sweeping a lot of cosmetic and Anelleo bags.

our nightly supper in Nagoya

20 - 23 December 
Bye bye Nagoya, Hello Kyoto!
We reached Kyoto within 30 minutes via Shinkansen from Nagoya.
Our Airbnb is a 3 storey house located in Tambaguchi area. We really like this place so much.
Daily 9pm, the police from the neighbourhood will go around the estate to beat the bamboo and remind residents to lock the door well etc ... something like the ancient drama 打更.
Kyoto station is a very busy place, there are so many train lines to connect you to all over. It was very confusing on our first time, we spent close 20 minutes to study the map. hahhaha
We visited Arashimaya, we were lucky that we were still able to catch autumn colours.

There was an Avante mall opposite of Kyoto station, the Anelleo there are all so nice looking that you cannot find these design in Singapore. I was so proud that I bought a imitation leather look one and the price are so affordable here.
Railway museum here is so interesting, around 20 minutes walk from Kyoto station. There are so many kind and design of train here dating century back, from manual geared coal run train to current automatic geared electric run ones.
Shiga Mitsui outlet - how can I let my hubby off ! Must rip him a little.. hahhaha..
Took a train to Shiga station and changed a 20 minutes bus ride.
Bought an "only found in Japan" design of Longchamp here.
Nishiki market, is a busy shopping street from fresh seafood, cooked snacks, restaurant, cafes, cosmetic and etc .. all found here At certain part of the street, it can get real congested.
Gion & Potoncho are located nearby, the crowd there is very huge.

24 - 30 December 
Bye bye Kyoto, Hello Osaka!
Had a bad experience with our Airbnb located in Denden town, after we checked in, barely started to unpack our luggage, someone knocked on our door and claim ownership of our unit. After some clarification, we realised that our host gave us wrong address. Our unit is another one located in the same building.
Dontonburi - just like Orchard road here, we simply love the atmosphere here, whatever you want, easily find here. It connect to many shopping streets.
This taste much here better than in Singapore

The famous Glico running man is found here next to the river.
We had an expensive near SGD300 crab meal which we queued for 2hrs.
Bf wanted to had some takoyaki from the stall, he was wondering if like in Singapore where there are many flavours to choose from. He went up to the staff and ask : "you only have sotong flavour?" The staff got a stunned look while hubby and me burst out laughter... He use the word "sotong".. This is so funny.
Tempozan - this place is very family orientated mall attached with the ferris wheel. We managed to admired the whole of the wonderful sunset was admired in our cabin.
Kita & Umeda - frankly speaking apart from the amazing building, the atmosphere within the malls, I can felt it in Paragon & Ion. There was a big ice skating ring at the Grand Front for my bf to perform his moves while hubby and me chilled at the café next to it.
Shinseikai - it seems like an old ward to me that there are several slot machines that filled up with senior citizens. Hidden in a corner, there is a small movie threater that is showing porn movies.
Same like Dotonburi, whatever you want, you can find it here. But there is something standout in this place, which Spaworld. It was so cold that we decided to go in to bath and hide from the cold.
Kuromon market - walking distance from our Airbnb, another Nishiki market.

On our last night, we returned to Dontonburi for the expensive Fugu meal at close SGD250,  heart so pained..

We managed to located and bought the famous Rikuro's cheesecake after a 15 minutes queue. Onisuka Tiger is located directly opposite, while hubby was in the queue, I went and bought a pair of Tiger!

2016 holiday ended with a lot of 战利品.
Of course, my footprint don't stop here. It will still continue to spread.

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